
Welcome to The Canadian Spectator

The Canadian Spectator blog is a continuation of the Canspeccy blog , which was a continuation of a web site entitled The Canadian Spectator, created at some time in the dim and distant timet, and about which, at the time, I wrote by way of introduction: Home About the Canadian Spectator The  Canadian Spectator  is a single-handed protest at the Canadian Government's contemptible subservience to a corporate oligopoly that is allowed control over virtually all Canadian news outlets. Needless to say, this control serves the interests of plutocratic oligopolists, not those of ordinary Canadians. As may be inferred from the limitations in the design and elaboration of the site, management of the  Canadian Spectator  is not my sole vocation. During the daytime, I work as a professional vendor of cat's meat and search for material to add to my web page only in the evenings after I have sold the last skewerful.* Being gainfully employed, I have no need to request your financial assist